The Amazon Effect – John Stanley

2017, I believe, will be looked on as the tipping year as far as the Amazon Effect is concerned.

I came across businesses that were simply ignoring the power of online shopping and told me that it would not affect them. I have been told customers will not buy “x” online. I find this approach to retailing amazing. Put your head in the sand and the threat will go away.

What is great to see is retailers that understand the new market and are putting strategies in place to ensure they can go head to head with online retailers. I do believe that all retailers will need an online presence, but the big plus local businesses have is they can become the “gathering” place for locals, a place that provides an experience.

The Amazon Effect is an opportunity for local business to shine. Every small business has the opportunity to “out-teach” the competition.

Remember adverts buy people’s attention, whilst “teaching” earns you loyalty, trust, and respect.

Large business will find it difficult to introduce a genuine teaching program whilst small local business can easily benefit from this approach.

John Stanley